Reliable Webhosting.

Simply set up WordPress & co. and get started straight away.

No worries thanks to automated backups, virus scans and much more!

  • Secure: A redundant system offers you high uptime.
  • Fast: State-of-the-art servers provide the basis for fast websites.
  • Reliable: Fast and competent help by phone & email.
  • Get started now: The simple setup is completed in a few minutes.
 4,8 / 5 stars based on 700+ Trusted Shops reviews Trusted Shops Seal

What you need to know before heading to the hosting products:

Safety first

Protect your website with daily backups & malware scans.

Protect your visitors with free SSL certificates.

Protect yourself by choosing a reliable provider and 100% EU-GDPR compliance.

High availability

The infrastructure is redundant - from the power supply to the network to the servers.

Your data is mirrored live. In case of problems, a second server steps in immediately.

Honest & reliable

We focus on successful, long-term cooperation.

Our telephone support is there for you if you have any questions.

We help you by e-mail 365 days a year.

Easy administration

The tailor-made control panel makes website & email management an easy task.

Whether it's installing software or fine-tuning spam filters, you can do it all with just a few clicks.

A perfect package for every need!

40% off: Price-Performance winner
High performance for successful business projects
Allrounder for professional websites
Get started with a CMS website
High performance for successful business projects
Allrounder for professional websites
Get started with a CMS website
Price / month 
Setup: 0€
term: 12 months
Price / month 
Setup: 0€
Term: 12 months
Promotion: instead of € 9.99
Price / month 
Setup: 0€
Term: 12 months

Price / month 
Setup: 0€
Term: 12 months

Total storage
Soft limit & delivery guarantee
Total storage
Soft limit & delivery guarantee
200 GB SSD
100 GB webspace
100 GB mailspace
Total storage
Soft limit & delivery guarantee
100 GB SSD
50 GB webspace
50 GB mailspace
Total storage
Soft limit & delivery guarantee
5 GB webspace
15 GB mailspace
E-Mail accounts 
Administration via Email Manager
E-Mail accounts 
Administration via Email Manager
E-Mail accounts 
Administration via Email Manager
E-Mail accounts 
Administration via Email Manager
Database 50
Database 5
Database 1
Number of websites 
Multi-Domain hosting 
Number of websites 
Multi-Domain hosting 
5 domains
Number of websites 
Multi-Domain hosting 
2 domains
Number of websites 
Multi-Domain hosting 
Data transfer
Data transferUnlimited
2500 GB soft limit
Data transferUnlimited
500 GB soft limit
Data transferUnlimited
250 GB soft limit
PHP PHP 5.6 to 8.4
PHP PHP 5.6 to 8.4
PHP PHP 5.6 to 8.4
PHP memory limit
PHP memory limit
512 MB
PHP memory limit
256 MB
PHP memory limit
96 MB
Software installer 
Easily install Wordpress, Joomla!, Drupal etc.
Software installer 
Easily install Wordpress, Joomla!, Drupal etc.
Software installer 
Easily install Wordpress, Joomla!, Drupal etc.
Software installer 
Easily install Wordpress, Joomla!, Drupal etc.
Cloud storage 
Cloud storage 
Cloud storage 
Cloud storage 
Free SSL certificates 
Easy Let's Encrypt setup
Free SSL certificates 
Easy Let's Encrypt setup
Free SSL certificates 
Easy Let's Encrypt setup
Free SSL certificates 
Easy Let's Encrypt setup
Daily backups & malwarescans 
Daily backups & malwarescans  
Daily backups & malwarescans  
Daily backups & malwarescans  
Top Backup module 
Extensive backup functions
Top Backup module 
Extensive backup functions
Top Backup module 
Extensive backup functions
Top Backup module 
Extensive backup functions
SSH Access 
SSH Zugang  
SSH Zugang  
SSH Zugang  
Spam filters & virus scans 
Spam filters & virus scans  
Spam filters & virus scans  
Spam filters & virus scans  

Price in € per month including 19% VAT.

Secure payment 
30 day money back guarantee 
Easy package change 

Easy usage, lightning fast loading times and 100% GDPR compliant

Countless functions & easy management with the hosting control panel

Instead of using a standard solution, we have developed our own control panel. This guarantees a perfect coordination of software and hardware. Depending on the chosen hosting package, different modules are available (all services in comparison)

A brief insight into the control panel modules:

  • Software-Installer: Whether WordPress, Joomla, Typo3 or PrestaShop, you can install the desired software with a few clicks.
  • Backup-Module: In addition to the automated daily backups, the Business Host package includes the Backup Module. With this module you can easily and quickly store your data in a backup file. You have the choice which data is backed up when, where and how.
  • File manager: A feature-rich file manager simplifies the management of your files and directories on your webspace.
  • E-Mailmanager: You can quickly and easily manage all email accounts of your hosting package. With the extensive spam filters, spam mails will soon be a thing of the past.
  • View 15 more modules

Homepage of the control panel Control Panel Homepage Screenshot

Hosting control panel details

Hosting Verfügbarkeit

Highest performance & 99.9% availability due to state-of-the-art technology

Not only the hardware but also the knowledge of our technicians is continuously upgraded and thus provides the prerequisite for a secure and lightning-fast webspace.

The availability of at least 99.9% is guaranteed due to our high security data center and the redundant system. Your data is mirrored live on a second server. In case of problems, this server immediately steps in as a replacement. In addition, we operate our own, independent Internet infrastructure, the autonomous system AS-25575, with direct connection to the international fiber optic networks.

100% data protection & GDPR conform

Data privacy has always been particularly important to us. Your hosting package will be set up with privacy friendly default settings. Data transmissions to external "service providers", profiling and the like have always been taboo for us.

SSL Zertifikat

Free SSL certificates

Our hosting packages include a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for each domain.

An SSL certificate enables the encrypted transmission of all data from the web server to the user's browser and vice versa. Sensitive data such as payment data, login data or customer data are thus transmitted encrypted and can not be intercepted by third parties in plain text and misused.

Our multi-domain hosting packages provide you with your own SSL certificate for each domain. The SSL certificate can be easily activated via your Control Panel. Let's Encrypt certificates are valid for a maximum of 90 days, but are automatically renewed for you.

Hosting Support

Quality support that really helps you

  • Phone: Mon-Thu 8:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m. & Fri 08:00 a.m. - 03:30 p.m.
  • E-mail: Everyday, also in the evening & on holidays. 95% of all mails are answered in under 15 minutes.
  • Extensive FAQ-manual

E-Mails with spam & antivirus protection

By default, all e-mails are checked by the server spam filter and server virus scan. In addition, you can activate a further spam filter for each of your e-mail addresses in the Control Panel.

If you still receive unwanted mails you can activate the "Bayes Spam Filter". This filter gets to know your personal e-mail traffic with every incoming e-mail and can adapt itself accordingly. Spam mails will soon be a thing of the past!

Extensive protection of the webspace

We create a backup of your webspace and check it for malware every day. If malware is detected during our checks which endangers the visitors of your website, the affected files will be blocked. You will be notified immediately by e-mail and receive information about the corresponding problem.

Additional protection is provided by high-level security measures against brute force attacks, SQL injection, unwanted BOT access and much more.

Money back Guarantee

Just test our products - 30 days money-back guarantee

For all hosting products we offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If the chosen product does not meet your requirements, you can claim the money back guarantee within 30 days without giving reasons. You will receive the full amount of money back.

Hosting Software

Free Software - installed with just a few clicks

Depending on your hosting package you are able to install a huge amount of well-known and useful software packages. The prepared software packages can be installed in the latest version with the help of our one-click installer in the Hosting Control Panel.

You can install content management systems (e.g. WordPress, Joomla!, Typo3, Contao), online shop software (e.g. Magento, Opencart, Prestashop), cloud storages (e.g. ownCloud, Nextcloud) and many more useful software for your homepage.


No additional costs for overuse

Once the included storage volumes for e-mails and web space are exceeded, we do not have a block or additional charge. E-mails will continue to be delivered without any problems and your website will continue to work as usual.

We will inform you about overuse by e-mail, then you have the opportunity to delete data or e-mails that are no longer needed, to order individual additional services or simply to switch to a larger hosting package. With us, your e-mail accounts and your homepage are in good hands!


Secure payment - no extra fees

You only need to pay the price of the hosting package. There are no onetime fees like setup fees or other hidden charges for your hosting package.

The payment of the hosting package is based on a prepaid system. You can charge the required amount by using credit card, PayPal, Online SOFORT Banking and bank transfer. 90, 60 and 30 days before the renewal of your product you will receive a reminder e-mail. Than you can decide by your own if you want to renew your product or not.


You need more storage or databases?

You can always order additional webspace, mailspace & databases. Prices and further information can be found here: additional services.

features compared

Total storage
200 GB
100 GB
20 GB
100 GB
soft limit 
50 GB
soft limit 
5 GB
soft limit 
100 GB
delivery guaran­tee 
50 GB
delivery guaran­tee 
15 GB
delivery guaran­tee 
Catch-All mailbox 
PHP memory
512 MB
256 MB
96 MB
Domain forward­ing
PHP 5.6 to 8.4
PHP 5.6 to 8.4
PHP 5.6 to 8.4
2500 GB 
500 GB 
250 GB 
€ 5.99
Special price per month for the first year.
From the second year € 9.99 per month.
€ 4.99
€ 2.99

Webhosting details

100 GB 
50 GB 
5 GB 
Guaran­teed ad free
Domain access­ible with and with­out 'www.'
W@P web­sites are supp­orted
Upgrade and expansion 

Included software

Advanced GuestbookAdvan­ced Guest­book 
b2evolutionb2­evolution Blog 
ContaoContao CMS 
Drupal CMSDrupal CMS 
GetSimple CMSGet­Simple CMS 
JoomlaJoomla! CMS 
Lime SurveyLime­Survey 
MyPHP GuestbookmyPHP Guest­book 
osCommerceos­Commerce Shop 
phpBB ForumphpBB Forum 
PixliePixlie Galerie 
Presta ShopPresta­Shop 
Seo PanelSeo Panel 
Typo3Typo3 CMS 

E-mail server functions

Catch-All mailbox 
E-Mail alias addr­esses 
Disk space for e-mails 
100 GB
50 GB
15 GB
Size file attach­ments 
128 MB
128 MB
128 MB
Free e-mail virus scanner 
SMTP-server (TLS) 
SMTP authen­tication 
SSL encryp­ted online manage­ment 
E-mail retrieval via POP3 
E-mail retrieval via IMAP 

Database server functions

Older MySQL versions
4.0.24, 4.1.11, 5.0.51a, 5.1.72, 5.5.60, 5.7.40
4.0.24, 4.1.11, 5.0.51a, 5.1.72, 5.5.60, 5.7.40
4.0.24, 4.1.11, 5.0.51a, 5.1.72, 5.5.60, 5.7.40
Online admin­istra­tion MySQL 
Direct MySQL data­base access 
Online admin­istra­tion PostgreSQL 
Direct PostgreSQL data­base access 

Developer features

PHP versions
PHP 8.4.5, 8.3.19, 8.2.28, 8.1.32, 8.0.30, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33 and 5.6.40
PHP 8.4.5, 8.3.19, 8.2.28, 8.1.32, 8.0.30, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33 and 5.6.40
PHP 8.4.5, 8.3.19, 8.2.28, 8.1.32, 8.0.30, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33 and 5.6.40
PHP memory
512 MB
256 MB
96 MB
Own php.ini file poss­ible 
Script runtime 
30 sec.
30 sec.
30 sec.
PHP exten­sions 
Disable Safe­Mode 
CGI scripts execut­able
Perl 5.20.2
Python 2.7.18, 3.10.5 
SSI Server­Side Includes 
Image­Magick 6.8.9 and gdlib 
ionCube Loader 

SSL, data security, backup

website in failover mode 
Total memory on the failover server
200 GB
100 GB
20 GB
Memory in backup system 
1000 GB
500 GB
100 GB
Unlimited server SSL certificate use 
Malware scan 
Malware detailed inspection 
€ 58,80
€ 58,80
€ 58,80

FTP server functions

TLS encrypted file transfer
FTP connections 
No speed limit 


E-mail support 
Free phone support 

Term, conditions, further information

No setup fee
30 days money back guarantee
At any time possible in the customer center, upgrade is carried out immediately.
Possible at any time in the customer center, downgrade is carried out to the next accounting period.
Additional services
Contract period
12 months
Termination period
7 days before the end of the term
SOFORT Überweisung, PayPal, creditcard, bank transfer, bitcoin and litecoin
Accounting period
Invoice delivery