Jabber Chat

The powerful Jabber Chat can be used for private usage, workgroups, teams and the by companies because the communication is always private and secret. That chat tool is free and can be used by as many people as you want.
Quick access:
#Open module Jabber Chat
You have 3 different possibilities to start your Control Panel:
- either you enter "www.yourdomain.tld" (www.yourdomain.tld have to be replaced by your own domain) into the address bar of your browser
- or you use the Control Panel Login at our website
- or you start it directly inside your Customer Center
In your Customer Center switch to the tab "Purchases" and move your mouse over the hosting package and click on the link "Control Panel" at the side menu that popped up.
#Download Jabber
On the website www.teamserver.at you need to select "Software" in the menu bar.
After having done that you need to scroll down a bit, until you can see a list of different free Jabber Client software.
Select one of the mentioned Jabber Clients and install it, now you can start using the free Jabber Chat.