SSL Security

With a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection an encrypted file transfer between the web browser and the web server is guaranteed. The most common use of SSL certificates is in the area of e-commerce and all other websites where sensitive data must be transferred (credit card number, bank account, etc.). If you provide a web shop on your website it is advisable to use an SSL certificate to protect all sensitive data. You want an own SSL certificate for your domain name? Information and prices can be found at SSL certificate. Quick access:

Open module SSL Security

First of all you need to login to your Hosting Control Panel. You can choose between one of the following 3 possibilities to start your Control Panel:
  • either you enter "www.yourdomain.tld" (www.yourdomain.tld have to be replaced by your own domain) into the address bar of your browser
  • or you use the Control Panel Login at our website
  • or you start it directly inside your Customer Center
    In your Customer Center switch to the tab "Purchases" and move your mouse over the hosting package and click on the link "Control Panel" at the side menu that popped up.
In your Control Panel please click on the module SSL Security.


In the module SSL Security you can see which addresses of your domain or subdomain are available with SSL encryption ("").

#SSL certificate and Let's Encrypt certificate activation

All webhosting plans support the installation of free Let's Encrypt SSL certificates to enable HTTPS for your websites. The instllation and renewal process of the certificate is fully automized and Let's Encrypt certificates can be used right away. If you already bought your own SSL certificate from us, you can see your certificate details in the module SSL Security. Note: We also support RapidSSL certificates for your domain name.
details and prices can be found at SSL certificates.